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Questions about FretHub membership

Bobby Harrison and Nick Radcliffe

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Can I swap my monthly subscription for a discounted Annual Membership?

Yes. Follow the cancellation steps and then click ‘Start Free trial’ on the Annual membership tab on the pricing page. We keep your account details on file so you can select ‘Existing User’ on the registration page and log in with your old user details.

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Can I cancel my monthly subscription and rejoin at a later date?

Yes. Follow the cancellation procedure and when you re-register you can select ‘Existing User’. We don’t mind you taking a 2nd free trial!

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I’ve taken the 5-day free trial but have decided I don’t wish to continue with payment. When should I cancel?

Follow the cancellation procedure any time within the first 5-days. Your membership will automatically be closed and you will not be charged.

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My card has expired. How do I update my billing details?

We don’t have access to card details in Stripe and they currently don’t offer a facility for the customer to change billing details.

So if your payment was unsuccessful or you want to update your billing, let us know and we will send you an invoice where you can enter your new card details.

The system will then update your default card details automatically.

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How do I cancel my subscription?

It’s very quick and easy. Log in to and go to your Dashboard  where you’ll find a link called “cancel membership”.  Your FretHub membership will be de-activated and you will no longer be charged. If you have any problems at all with this or can’t see a cancel button, we will do it for you as soon as possible.  We always refund any accidental overpayments without dispute. Remember, we are in the UK so please allow for time differences.

There are more membership-related questions and answers here.

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